Society Photo Archive

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CATEGORY: St. John's School For The Deaf

Photo Description Thumb
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Postcard with picture of east and north wings
Group of boys holding dumbbells
Picture of driveway and arch with a group of students standing to the side (This photograph was sold for the benefit of poor deaf/mutes) donated by Bill Drehfal
Postcard with picture of gymnasium also picture of windmill; donated Mary Becker
Large group of students with some adults
7 men with a priest
July 31st 1907 fire (2 photos)
Glimpses of St. John's Institute for Deaf Mutes (This photograph was sold for the benefit of poor deaf/mutes); donated by Joan Houlehen
A Vista, St. John's Institute for Deaf Mutes; donated by Kevin Weins
Main Building, St. John's Institute for Deaf Mutes; donated by Kevin Weins
Main entrance to St. John's Institute for Deaf Mutes with handwritten letter on the side and bottom; donated by Kevin Weins