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John & Eva Koniar at marriage of son Jerome to Rose Bauer
a. Koniar family, b. Eva Koniar (daughter), c. Eva Koniar (mother)
a. John & Eva Koniar looking east from property, b. John Koniar & granddaughter Carol Bednar, Whitey, the dog, c. Koniar home from the south looking north about 1949, d. Adam Koniar, Eva, wife of Adam, Eva Koniar, John Jr., Jerome, John Bednar
4550 S. Whitnall Avenue, Farm LIfe, Eva & John tending cattle. Looking west of Koniar farm. Home in background belonged to John Eichstadt
a. John & Eva Koniar at Grant Park, Lake Michigan, b. Jerome & John Koniar, ages 6 and 10, c. Koniar tending strawberry patch
Robert R. Freimuth
Harwood Staats
Herbert Barnes selling peanuts at station (Herb was killed 5/20/43, Air Force)
(left) Al Richards, (right) Ralph Dummert
Joe Rapant, Herb Barnes, Camp Livingston, Louisiana
Joe Rapant, Camp Beauregard, Louisiana
Al Tyborski
Frank Napoli, New St. Francis CD director
Charles Lacke, New St. Francis Superintendent of Schools
St. Francis Mayor Paul Rainer passes out apples at debut of bookmobile "Johnny Appleseed" in St. Francis
(1) Adlerman Mallas, City Attorney Harwood Staats, Aldermen Glowinski, Rich Neubauer, Herb J(?), (3) Building inspector Harry Peterson, (6) Dave Hanley, Harry Peterson, Herb Kiehl, John Grabske (7 photos)
St. Francis Newsboy (3 photos)
Fred J. Schoendorf
Irene Brooks, Town of Lake nurse, 1930-1954, City of St. Francis nurse, 1954-1973, photographed at her home, 1701 East Howard Avenue, Milwaukee
Merv Yeske (EZPaintr)
Markwardt family bid farewell to son Ronald
Leroy Thompson (2 photos)
St. Francis public school teacher Mary Ellen Flanagan presents Rudy Hoppe, St. Francis Library Foundation, a $500 check to purchase a tile for the Library's Wall of Commemoration Tiles.
Mayor Milton Vretenar speaking, unidentified school board member and Fire Chief Bob Schwingle seated
Bob Schwingle and Richard Nussbaum (former students - doesn't indicated which school)
Adolph Schulte home on East St.Francis Avenue, possibly sons and grandsons of Victor Schulte, visiting clergy
David Siemanowski holding his nephew Kurt Weins while home on leave in St. Francis 6 months before his death in Vietnam in March, 1966
Alderwoman Audrey Szymkowski
Charles Weber, donated by on Chuck Weber
Carl Kitzinger
Harriet P. Schwalbe, City Clerk, 1960s (?)
Richard H. Staats
David C. Sopolinski, Alderman
Richard W.Wanta
John J Kroll, Alderman
Michael D. Novak
Stanley J. Raclaw, Alderman
Kenneth P. McManus, Alderman
Harwood H. Staats, City Attorney
James G. McManus, Alderman
John Vugrinovich, Alderman
John Vugrinovich, Alderman
Lawrence Burazin, Mayor
Milton Vretenar, Mayor
Barney Melchior Eaton, b Switzerland, 11/10/1821, d Clear Creek, Colorado, 10/4/1874 Owned land on Nicholson Ave. between present day Layton and Van Norman, see 1876 Historical Atlas, father of Barney A. Eaton, Cudahy Village President
Uncle Luigi, Giovanni Puller, Aunt Catherine, Maria Puller, Aunt Mary
Maggie Luczywko
50th wedding anniversary of Martin and Victoria Rapant (they lived at 3720 So Packard Ave) L to R: back row, Joe, Frank, Laddie, John L to R: front row Tino, Theresa, Victoria, Martin, Mary
Home of Adolph Schulte, East St. Francis Avenue (granddaughter?)
5 photos of Koniar-Bednar families
from left: Unknown, Bert Thompson, Eldridge Hyde, Allen Hyde
L to R: Bob Nuszbaum, Al Beaver, Dick Ascherin, Herb Barnes, Joe Rapant, Ray Novakowski, taken at Ray' house, 2500 block East Denton Avenue
Dick and Donald Barnes at station of the corner of Packard Avenue and Lake Drive
Left photo, Joe Papa with cousin, right photo, Joe Papa with his father. Donated by Joel Papa