Our mission is to collect, preserve, interpret and make accessible the history of St. Francis, Wisconsin.
Visit the Society's historical exhibits at the St. Francis Civic Center rotunda. Hours: Monday - Friday 9-5

Society Office Open By Appointment Only

Calendar Of Society Events

Society Board Meetings are held on the third Saturday of each month. Upcoming meetings are January 18th, February 15th and March 15th. There is no meeting for December.

The January 18th meeting is the Society's Annual Membership Meeting. There will be two vacancies on the board of directors for 2025. Are you interested in joining the board of directors? We will be electing new officers and other board members. Come join us!!

Meetings are held from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the St. Francis Civic Center, 3400 E. Howard Ave.

Featured Exhibits

Examples of images available at the Society's Research Room

Old Sacred Heart Church (c. 1925), Willow Glen Elementry, Lakeside Power Plant (c. 1940), Old Thompson Ave. Elementry (c. 1910), St. Francis of Assisi Convent (c. 1910)


Members/new Members may renew/join online by going to the Membership tab at the top of this page

Contact the Society to get your copy of one of Anna Passante's books on St. Francis History.